2045 Long Range Transportation Plan
Transportation 2045 is the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) prepared by the Lake~Sumter MPO and serves as the primary guidance for developing transportation system improvements and additions in the MPO's planning area over the next 25 years.
Lake~Sumter MPO 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan Final Report
Amendment #1
Amendment #2
Amendment #3
Previous Long-Range Transportation Plans
TRANSPORTATION 2040 FAST Act Compliance Amendment December 2019
TRANSPORTATION 2040 - October 2017 (26.7 MB)
2035 Long Range Transportation Plan
TRANSPORTATION 2035 was officially adopted by the Lake~Sumter MPO Governing Board on December 8, 2010. It is significantly different from our previous plan that looked out to 2025 and forecast future roadway capacity needs solely on the results of the adopted regional travel demand model. This plan was built around the region's vision for a true multimodal transportation network, incorporating goals, objectives, and strategies that reflect the MPOs adopted Constrained Corridors Policy and corridors designated as multimodal while addressing future transportation needs. TRANSPORTATION 2035(10.1 MB)
Plan Technical Support Documentation
Financial Resources and Developer Funding
- Project Cost Estimating Methodology 135 KB
- Projects Contingent on Developer Funding 51 KB
- Revenue Analysis Technical Memorandum 541 KB
- Revenue Analysis Technical Memorandum Addendum #1 415 KB
Public Involvement
- TRANSPORTATION 2035 Public Involvement Plan 289 KB
- TRANSPORTATION 2035 Public Involvement Plan Final Report 319 KB
Travel Demand Modeling and Land use Assumptions
- CFRPM 5.0 Future Year Alternatives 1.8 MB
- CFRPM 5.0 Model Calibration and Validation Results 14.6 MB
- Socioeconomic Data Production (1) 915 KB
- Socioeconomic Data Production (2) 1.5 MB
Year of Expenditure Dollars
Plan Amendments
2025 Long Range Transportation Plan
Summary Reports
- 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan Summary Report (December 2005 - 2.60 MB)
- 2025 SAFETEA-LU Amendments Summary Report (May 2007 - 52 KB)
LRTP Complete Report
- Full Report (May 23, 2007 - 13.86 MB)
LRTP Complete Report by Chapter and Appendix
- Chapter 1: Introduction (535 KB)
- Chapter 2: Public Involvement Plan (65.48 KB)
- Appendix 2A (3.35 MB)
- Technical Appendix (7.04 MB)
- Chapter 3: Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures (759 KB)
- Appendixes 3A and 3B (428 KB)
- Chapter 4: Study Area Data Review (831 KB)
- Chapter 5: Socioeconomic Data Summary (3.05 MB)
- Appendix 5A (780 KB)
- Technical Appendix
- Socioeconomic Data Technical Memorandum (95 KB)
- Traffic Analysis Zone Map (1.86 MB)
- Table of 2025 Zonal Data (76 KB)
- Chapter 6: Financial Resources (137 KB)
- Appendix 6A and 6B (40 KB)
- Chapter 7: Needs Plan (1.59 MB)
- Chapter 8: Cost Affordable Plan (2.19 MB)
Technical Appendix Section 8Alternative 3A Alternative 3B Alternative 3C Improvement Map Improvement Map Improvement Map Cost Report Cost Report Cost Report - Chapter 9: Findings and Recommendations (39.5 KB)
General Documents
- 2015 and 2025 Cost Affordable Roadway Improvement Maps
- Needs Network Maps
Consensus Building Workshops
- Consensus Building Workshop Summary - June 15, 2005
- Consensus Building Workshop Summary - August 19, 2005
Environmental Justice Discussion Groups
- Environmental Justice Workshop Summary - June 17, 2005
- Environmental Justice Workshop Materials (447 KB)
- Map 1 - Road improvements and concentrations of minority population (514 KB)
- Map 2 - Road improvements and concentrations of Hispanic population (489 KB)
- Map 3 - Road improvements and concentrations of low income population (502 KB)
- Map 4 - 2025 Needs Plan Transit Route Needs Map (591 KB)
- Map 5 - Number of Lanes & Road Type (577 KB)
- Map 6 - 2025 Needs Plan (Alternative 2) Number of Lanes & Road Type (626 KB)
- Map 7 - 2025 Needs Plan Bicycle Facilities Needs Map (758 KB)
- Map 8 - 2025 Needs Plan Sidewalk Needs Map (704 KB)
- Map 9 - 2025 Needs Plan Population Growth (629 KB)
- Map 10 - 2025 Needs Plan Employment Growth (626 KB)
45-Day LRTP Public Review Period
- Adoption Resolution 2006-8 (636 KB)
- Amendments Resolution 2007-9 (May 2007 - 751 KB)