Committee Meeting
Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting
Meeting Location:Lake~Sumter MPO Office1300 Citizens Blvd, Suite 206 (2nd floor) Leesburg, Fl 34748
Virtual Option: (virtual committee members can not vote unless approved by the in-house quorum)
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
3:00 PM
- 5:00 PM
MPO Committee Members,
Please join us for the February 8, 2023, Community Advisory Committee Meeting.
This meeting is in-house with a virtual option for committee members and the public.
Meeting Location:
Lake~Sumter MPO Office
1300 Citizens Blvd, Suite 206 (2nd floor)
Leesburg, Fl 34748
Virtual Option: (virtual committee members can not vote unless approved by the in-house quorum)
Lake-Sumter MPO - Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting - February 2023
February 8, 2023, 3:00 – 5:00 PM (America/New York)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
Access Code: 980-103-053
United States (Toll-Free): 1 866 899 4679
United States: +1 (571) 317-3116
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://meet.goto.com/install
Moving Florida Forward
On January 30, 2023, Governor DeSantis announced Moving Florida Forward, a bold and historic infrastructure initiative. This proposed investment prioritizes $7 billion towards the state’s transportation infrastructure to directly and immediately address congestion relief and perpetual safety on roadways, support resiliency in existing and future projects, and maintain the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) as a national leader in transportation technology, all while supporting a robust and active supply chain.
This proposal is slated to invest $7 billion to prioritize 20 critical infrastructure projects in the existing FDOT Five-Year Work Program. The proposed legislation combines $4 billion of General Revenue Surplus with FDOT’s ability to leverage innovative financing tools, contracting, and proposed policies for the resulting $3 billion over four years.
Thank you,
Michael Woods
Meeting Date | Meeting Agenda (pdf) | Agenda Attachments (pdf) | Meeting Minutes (pdf) | Meeting Audio (m4a) | Presentation | Other (pdf) |
February 8, 2023 | Agenda | Attachments | Minutes |